ERA – Week 5 of Production

This was the week of our Alpha. Unfortunately it’s also been a week during which I’ve been sick with a cold, pretty badly the first few days, and it never got completely well. So the the work I’ve done has suffered for it.

What I’ve done has mainly been to keep working with the floating GUI, now for structures (towers, barracks and generators), and also to add base structures for each team that will end the game once destroyed. This enters an end game scene where the winning team is displayed.

Working with the structures was a bit of a hassle as they were only represented visually on the client-side of the game,in order to attach health GUI to them I had to make sure their attributes where instantiated and updated over the network. In this process I also wrote the function to remove buildings whose health had reached zero.

Once this was done I added another type of structure, the base, and attached a script to it that would end the game once it had been destroyed and make sure to record the team opposing the destroyed base as the winners.

The final thing I’ve been working on this week has been to update the towers attack so that it deals splash damage once its projectile hits the ground. I’ve also adjusted the aiming of the towers to be more accurate.

About rasmusbjorling

I am a game designer, with lots of projects behind and ahead of me, learning new things every day.
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